How to Wrap Earbuds

Updated On February 7, 2021
By Harry Singleton

In Guides

When you have finished listening to your music for the day, or your commute to work has come to an end it is time to wrap your earbuds up and put them in your jacket or pocket.

However neat you complete this task they always seem to tie themselves in knots as if by magic leaving you with the task of untying them before you can start listening again. It would be great if you could grab your headphones every time and they were just as neat as you left them, well if you follow this step by step guide you could leave yourself frustration-free every time you wrap headphones up and go back to them when you need them again.

There are lots of different ways you can wrap your headphones but we feel that the method we will show is the most efficient.

The 5 Steps to Wrapping Your Earbuds

Step 1.

Get your right hand and make the classic devil horns sign that you would see at a lot of rock shows, if you don’t know what this hand sign is simply have you third and fourth fingers tucked in, and then extend your second and fifth fingers.

Step 2.

Next, with your thumb, hold down the earbuds together against the palm of your hand.

Step 3.

Third, start to wrap the cable in a figure of 8 pattern around your 2nd and 5th finger. This is a crucial part as the cris-crossing pattern helps to prevent the wires from knotting.

Step 4.

When you have wrapped enough time and have around 6 to 8 inches of cable left, start to wrap the remaining cable around the middle of the cris-cross pattern of the figure of eight a few times.

Step 5.

Finally, tuck the remaining cable to taste, this can differ as sometimes it can be tucked though one of the hoops of the figure of eight and sometimes it can be wrapped through the center, but the initial steps will stop any tangled earbuds so you may not need a final tuck at all.

Why Wrapping Headphones is Worth It

Saves Time

If you wrap your headphones, you will save time in the long run. Not only will the process become quicker and quicker to do, but not needing to untangle the wire each time you take your earbuds out of your bag or pocket will enable you to listen to your music much more efficiently.

Enhanced Durability

Wrapping your earbuds can also extend the life of them, enhancing the durability lots. If you leave them unwrapped your earbuds could tangle in your tote or become damaged from any other items that you are storing in there. Pulling them out of your bag or pocket could also leave some areas being trapped and tugging the wire in an un-natural way.

Stopping Any Frustration

When you come to your headphones and take them out of your backpack to find that they are in tangles, loops and knots, it can be frustrating. Even more, when it comes to try and untangle them, it can end up leaving you feeling stressed and annoyed if there are some tight knots in the cord that you can’t quite get your fingers under to untie.

When your headphone wraps around a device, you will eliminate any of this unwanted stress leaving you calm and comfortable for listening to your favorite music.

Other Headphone Wrap Options

The Over-Under Method

If you wrap your headphones in lots of different ways you can destroy the headphones’ cord over time from all of the different bends and kinks you create, this is even making some people completely paranoid and refrain from any kind of headphone wrapping technique. If this is you then the Over-Under method is for you.

With its method, all you are doing is simply alternating two different kinds of loops that help to counteract any kind of tangling when you unravel your headphones. To start, make a regular loop and then make another loop that will go in the opposite direction. The best and easiest way to do this is by grabbing the cable underhand, and then bringing it up and begin to twist it as you make a loop out of it.

This method can be a little difficult at first, and may take a little bit of practice, but after a few attempts you will have no problems in completing it and your headphones will not tangle what so ever and you will be able to easily unravel them when you need them quickly. Wrapping them up is a different story as no matter how good you are it will still take a little bit of time to wrap them up.

Use a Binder Clip

Binder clips can always be a great choice in any kind of cable management and make a great tool in this area. They can be used in a great way to hold together your wrapped headphones to prevent them getting tangled up inside your bag, or another way is to use the binder clip as the actual headphone wrapper.

Simply put the clip on the near of the earpiece and begin to wrap the cord around the two metal arms, this can help it be used as a cable shortener as well or clip your earbuds onto your backpack for a convenient listening experience. When you are finished you can take the headphone jack and feed it through the wider opening section of the arms of the clip. This is a versatile method but it also takes up a lot of space so it wont be as easy to just slide into your pocket.

Braid Your Headphones Using Paracord, Embroidery Floss, or String

If you are someone into crafts such as braiding then you can literally make a friendship bracelt for your headphone wire to make them completely tangle free. You can use both embroidery floss or just a regular piece of string. This method is only available if you know how to braid you can use parachute cord (also known as paracord). To use this simply run your earbud wire through the center of the paracord which will wrap and protect your cable.

Use an Old Credit Card

If you have a bit of time to spare and want an effective way to create something that is cheap, you can make headphone cord-wrapping devices out of an old credit, debit, or rewards card. All you have to do is cut two angled slots on each end of opposite sides.

It is best to make sure you create a larger opening at the end of the slots in order to fit the headphones’ cord through them. This method is similar to the binder clip as you can use the card as a cord shortener too, but it will overall take up less space.

This method is okay but cutting into sharp plastic like these cards can over time damage your headphone cord with the sharp bends that have been made, plus it is something that you need a bit of preparation time to make so it cant be used quickly.

Use Your Phone or MP3 Player as the Wrapping Device

Another useful way that you can wrap your headphones up is wrappingthem around your phone or mp3 devices. This way will not only make the device at as a guide for wrapping your headphones around but it will make sure that your headphones are never too far away from your listening device. Its all well and good having an efficient way to wrap your earbuds but if you can’t find them then there’s no point having them at all.

There are loads of ways to wrap your headphones, but the best possible way is probably to create a half-loop before you begin to wrap the cable around, and then try to use the loop to secure the end by keeping it tight down. This can be a little difficult

You can do this many ways, but arguably the best method is to create a half-loop before you start wrapping the cable around, and then use the loop to secure the end by tightening it down. It’s a bit tricky at first and can take some practice (see video above for a demo). Plus, you won’t be able to slip your device in and out of your pocket.


What is the best way to wrap earbuds?

Our method outlined above will make your life so much easier when it comes to wrapping earbuds. One of our favorite tips from the guide is the over-under method. In a few short steps, you’ll easily be able to keep your earphones tangle-free. It’s got everything you need to solve any problem – just the trick!

How do you wrap your earbuds without damaging them?

When wrapping your headphones it is mainly down to your own personal preference, but in every method you need to remember to not put too much strain on the cable, wrapping it up too tightly. Although this will be much neater in its presentation, it could potentially damage the wires inside of the cable with them being pulled and stretched too much in a position that isn’t natural.